Wednesday, February 27, 2008


OK, I know by the title you are probably wondering what in the world happened. Well, let me just tell you that yesterday we had something happen that I could have never imagined and I am SOOOO THANKFUL that things happened as they did. Let me just start by reminding everyone that recently we had to put crib tents on our little ones cribs because they can all climb out just as quickly as we put them in! Here are a couple of pictures of what the crib tents look like

Well, at around 03:30 PM we layed our little ones down for their nap. They played in there for a while with no obvious complaints. Then approximately 30 minutes later they all were crying and it was pretty apparent that they were not going to lay down and take an afternoon nap which was ok because they took a really nice morning nap. I realize by now most children are only taking one nap but we still have them rest twice a day even if they do not nap. Well, sometimes when they cry out like that they just want mommy or daddy to come in and lay down with them so Doug did. When he walked into the room nothing looked out of the ordinary, they were all three crying so he layed down on the floor in front of their cribs and everyone was laying down. Well, as he layed there he heard something weird coming from Chase. He said it sounded as though he was wheezing so he went over to his crib to check on him. When he got over there he found that Chase had somehow got his head stuck in this tiny hole from the side panels of the crib tent and it was strangling him!!! He immediately pulled the tension away from Chase's neck opening his airway completely and then tried to free him. He couldn't get him out so he hollered for me. I was laying down sleeping because I had a horrible migraine yesterday so I was taking advantage of "nap time/rest time" and felt comfy having Doug there to listen for our kiddos. I woke up to Doug frantically hollering for me to come help him so my adrenaline was pumping. When I got into their room I realized what was going on...OH MY GOSH!!!! Doug said "I can't get him out" and I said "cut him out!!!!". Talk about panic! When we got him free from the side panel his neck was really red like he had just been freed from a noose and his voice was really hoarse. I immediately called his Pediatrician whom asked if he lost consciousness? I said no. He said then watch him for any unusual signs or difficulty breathing and give him Popsicles, ice chips, Tylenol and Motrin for pain control. Here are some pictures I took after the fact to show the severity of the situation!!! I was so scared.

Even now that the incident is behind us I can't help but keep thinking about the "what if's". What if our babysitter had been here by herself, what if I had been here by myself, and more importantly...what if no one walked in and found him in time? My heart aches and I get teary and I feel "empty inside" just thinking about that!!!! I cannot imagine my life without my children. It is very frustrating to me that this product is SPECIFICALLY made to protect and keep babies safe and it's the same product that nearly took my child's life!!! I am Sooo thankful Doug went in when he did and acted on his suspicions to check on Chaser! And I am most thankful that God was watching over my baby and kept him safe!!!


Anonymous said...

If I were to take a guess, I would say that most parents have at least one incident that truly frightens them. It's why parents get gray hair! Glad to hear he is OK! (Just so you know, I know I never comment but I read your blog every week.)
Eric (Ness' guy)

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Kiley, I can't belive those pictures! I am so glad Chase is okay. How terrifying, but thankfully a very happy ending.--Jana

Joy said...

Oh Kiley...I have tears in my eyes! I'm SO sorry to hear your family had to go through that and I just hope you and Doug are ok too. Poor little Chase...his neck says it all. I'm so glad you guys are all ok and that your little boy is doing fine now. My heart just aches for you as a mommy because I can't even imagine how scary that must have been! Thank goodness for a God in Heaven who watches out for our little ones and a daddy who was on his toes!

Casey's trio said...

How horrible Kiley. We have had crib tents for about a year on our cribs and I am totally freaked out. Thank God that Doug found Chase in time.

Anonymous said...

How scary! I'm so glad that he was ok.

-Kate (A friend of Jennessa's)

Heza Hekele said...

Are you still using the crib tents or did you move them into beds?